THE SUBJUGATION OF THE MERU PEOPLE OF KENYA : The tactic that was used to subdue and colonize the Ngââ people in Meru was unique. The Ngââ people are the tribe that inhabited and still lives in Meru(Meru isn't the name of a tribe but the Maasai name for the region that was forested around Mt Kenya). The Ngââ(The Amîîrû) were warlike and jealously guarded their territory. They pushed back the Somalis and Borana and held back the Samburu and Maasai peoples. Any incursion to their lands, whether deliberate or accidental, was met with fierce resistance for centuries (under the democratic theocracy of the famed Njûrî Nçêêkê council of elders) the militarized Meru nation prospered in isolation. It successfully beat off the Islamic-Arab slave traders along with their Agikûyû and Akamba porters, thus no single fell prey to the Ma'afa(Indian Ocean slave trade). The Europeans had subdued the Agikûyû, the Akamba, the Aembu and their next stop was the Amîîrû. The British faced stiff resist...