I have delayed the publishing of this article by a week...but today is the day it drops, my inbox is bursting at the seams with fans reminding me not to emulate UhuRuto in making promises they cannot meet...our kids are still waiting for the laptops.
So today's write up is on penises, these are anterior projections that make women leave their parents' houses, these are projections that make Eve show God the middle finger in Eden...so penises are a big deal.
The largest human penis for the longest time belonged to the actor Jonah Falcon, his wood is 13.5 inches long.....but Roberto Cabrera's 18.9 inch penis has broken his record!.....we should note that the average human penis is 5 inches long.
The Argentine lake duck has the longest penis in birds, it has a penis that is on average 17 inches long!!!.
Sharks, alligators, crocodiles and lizards have two penises. In humans we know this condition as diphallia, it is a genetic defect that affects 5 million American Men, women married to these men are strong women who endure threesomes...talk about getting two for the price of one.
An animal known as Echnida has got not two, not three but a four-headed penis, only one works, the other three are for showing off..hapa God alicheza kama yeye.
Dolphins have a penis i would want, their penises look like human hands complete with fingers to scratch the females' G-spot. This penis is also prehensile, i.e. it moves just like the human hands.
Flatworms have practical penises, these creatures use their wood as swords to fight, they fight for over an hour, the flatworm that loses is then fertilized in humiliation by the victor's 'sword'.
The largest penis on dry land belongs to the African elephant. That cock measures 6 feet, this penis is prehensile just like the dolphins', female elephants take it all in effortlessly..talk about boreholes.
The animal with the largest penis is the blue whale, the dick to this mammal is 15 feet long!....it gets better, it has testicles that weigh one tonne producing gallons of semen during ejaculation!!.
Now on a serious note, human testicular, penis and prostate cancer is killing many men, kindly ensure you go for checkups for these diseases. For prostate cancer the diagnosis is just 1,500ksh and takes 1 hour, it involves a blood test to check for a protein known as Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA). Remember the secret to hitting cancer in its balls is early diagnosis, any man aged 35 years and above kindly have the PSA done at least once in two years. This test in Meru is done at Consolata Hospital Nkubu

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