I see many top-performing students saying that they want to be not only normal Medical Officers but ultra-specialized Medical Doctors like Paediatric Surgeons, Gynaecological Oncologists..etc.

#mwobobiasroundup will always tell you the truth regarding matters of career choices and career progression. After the IMF grabbed the government by the testicles and nipples, the government has cut costs, these costs include forcing workers to pay for their own pension (the controversial civil servants' superannuation pension scheme) which will run out about 3 years after retirement, freeze employment, halt salary increments and reduce allowances to the bare skeleton to ensure you pay taxes, go to work and pay your blue Subaru loans.

Being a Medical Officer, Dental Surgeon and Pharmacist was cool, in fact, a union known as KMPDU ensured Doctors got the best salaries, and true to that KMPDU delivered that-as at last year a greenhorn Doctor in job group 'M' was earning a basic salary of 50,000ksh/month then allowance of 155,000ksh..... after pressure by IMF (to have SRC implement the 2:3 ratio regarding basic salary to allowances) and after the slow neutering of KMPDU, a doctor will earn a gross monthly salary of 100,000ksh, other graduates in health sciences like Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science, Clinical Medicine, Radiography etc will earn a gross monthly salary of 90,000ksh.

So if you want to be a Medical Officer, or Dental Surgeon or Pharmacist, just make sure you enrol for the aforementioned courses driven by the passion to help people, the money in Medicine is no more, unless you open your own hospital or land a job in some NGO or private/mission hospital (which will quickly revise down the salaries ).

The era of the obese salaries doctors used to earn is history. It has evaporated and left a precipitate of pure passion in the test tube. In matters of career selection, take the crystal ball look into the next decade, choose accordingly considering the technological advances of the day. This is the age of embracing tech in all sectors and spheres.

* photo of courtesy of Dr Claire Kinuthia *, you can read more from her blog


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