I hear some folk say that the economy is not bad; I hear them say that it is Kenyans that are not entrepreneurial.
My friend the economy is in the toilet, UhuRuto regime has overseen looting and mismanagement of the economy. It has sponsored the stealing of state coffers; it is a heartless regime buoyed to power by tribalism. I never voted for it, in fact, I publicly campaigned against it to a point that some very "good" friends blocked me for going against the grain in Meru and the Mt Kenya region.
Now in Meru town and Makutano, 60% of tenants have defaulted on rent for their shops and businesses for 3-6 months!, Landlords to have defaulted on bank and Sacco loans, I am on the ground and I know firsthand as a stakeholder in this sector.
I hope Kenyans will learn not to vote for their leaders based on tribe/clan basis, right now the poverty decimating the Kenyan Central province is is tear jerkin, in Murang'a people are almost starving to death, clinicians there will have to refresh their knowledge on the management of malnutrition in children and even adults. The dairy industry is dying, folk are selling off their cows, Maize farmers are cursing the government they voted in, the tea industry is in the ICU ( with politically correct directors using their ill-gotten wealth to fight Munya Tea reforms - which are meant to ensure accountability of tea sales ).
Kenya is in a terrible state, the middle class has to wake up and smell the coffee, the average middle-class family is just one chronic illness away from slipping into poverty.
Sycophants and bundle girls and bundle boys will qwerty that UhuRuto has delivered.....yes UhuRuto has delivered Kenyans to the devil's lap, UhuRuto has delivered Kenyans into poverty.
Tribalism is evil, hope Thurakus I,e sycophantic Kenyans have learned the hard way. They are suffering most, just because some politician speaks your vernacular doesn't mean they have your interest at heart even like you neither see you as humans.


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