Ethiopia is crumbling before our very eyes, the reason are spillovers from historical injustices since the days of the ethiopian emperor Menelik II in the 1880s he Amharanized the country which as an idea that many non-Amhara tribes didn't like, infact he forcibly took Oromo land and gave it to the Amhara- the capital of Ethiopia sits on Oromo land. The autocratic Emperor Haile Selassie made things worse with his ineptitude and support for slavery and feudalism by his ''shum shir'' policy in the 1970s which demanded hefty taxes from peasants, infact in 1943, 1963 and 1970 the Tigreans, the Somali and Oromo/Borana took up arms against Haile Sellasie to resist the exploitative and dehumanizing ''shum shir'' policy. Col Mengistu, Meles Zenawi, Haile Mariam Desalegn and Dr Abiy has the oportunity to fix gross inequalities and solder Ethiopia..but for some reason these men failed to heal their country, now this nation is on the genocidal avenue.
Kenya needs to learn vital lessons from the mess in Ethiopia, addressing past historical injustices is key in healing wounds, sweeping such issues under the rag is a grave mistake that rears its ugly head many years in the future.
The land issues in Kenya will one day cause alot of conflict in the next 20-30 years to come, there is alot of discontentment amongst many Kenyans who feel not part of the system, time for land barons in this country will one day come to an end...and it will not be bloodless.....save this post.



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